

Age 15.
Graduate of Jeb Stuart Middle School. Attending Lee High School.

Gifted with a sharp mind and a beautiful, booming voice, Pamela has a lot going for her.

But as a pre-teen, she didn’t know how to use those assets. In middle school, she struggled academically, and became easily upset, losing her temper with her teachers, peers and schoolwork in general. When she didn’t do well, she began to dislike school.

Thanks to community, school and home support, though, Pamela is back on track to graduate from high school. At school, Pamela was identified as part of the school’s Early Warning Response System to become a part of the United Way of Northeast Florida’s Achievers for Life program. She was assigned a student advocate, as well as a mentor (also named Pamela!). She received extra help at school, and is participating in programs to help with peer relationships and behavior modification.

Her mother and father stayed involved, and a caring church community has helped the family stay grounded.

Today, Pamela is excited about high school and looking forward to attending college.